Friday, March 18, 2011


What a wonderful day!!!!!  How do you top a field trip to BPA to see a puppet show, and birthday cupcakes?????  Oh, how about an award assembly for the Read-a-Thon where 3 out of the 4 kindergarten prizes go to Ms. Keller's class!!!!  We kindergarten teachers aren't real big on the idea of students winning prizes for reading - it's tough for our students to NOT win!

Make sure you read to the end of the blog to learn about our very important service project....sponsored by the Kindergarten classes!!!!!

We got to get up close to the puppets after the show!

Cupcakes two days in a row....

We loved this book today "Bark George"!

Our big news....

Blakely students would like to help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We are putting together HYGIENE KITS to send to families in need. Hygiene kits provide disaster victims with basic items necessary for health and cleanliness. Here is what we will be collecting:

KINDERGARTEN: 1 tube of toothpaste (6-8 oz., no pumps)
FIRST GRADE: 2 unbreakable combs (no sharp handles) and 2 bars of soap ( 4 to 5 oz.)
SECOND GRADE: 2 hand towels (new towels. Please do not use dish towels or washcloths.)
THIRD GRADE: 2 hand towels (new towels. Please do not use dish towels or washcloths.)
FOURTH GRADE: 4 toothbrushes (packaged)

We will collect items all next week and then assemble the bags at school.
Students are also collecting spare change to donate to the Red Cross.
Giving service will help our students feel thankful and peaceful during the scary and confusing times they are witnessing through the daily media. This is a hands-on, visible way young children can feel they are helping. At Blakey we want to learn to be citizens of the world!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Tons o' fun today! :)