Friday, June 17, 2011

Final Friday!!!!!

Oh how I love these kindergartners.....

Moving up....

Presentation from the parents....


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Field Day Thursday!!!

Thank you to the 7 parents / grandparents who came to help out with field day!  You are the best.  It looked like all of our kindergartners had a great time!!

 Watching our Reading Buddy class in the Tug-o-War!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Oh my the days are flying by!!!!!!  We had an interesting presentation on Orien's trip to Hawaii...

We also surprised Ms. Jowise (by hiding under desks until she came into the room) and wished her a happy birthday!  She got to open presents wrapped, with lots of tape by these wonderful kindergartners!

We ended the day at the Awards Assembly.  It was great watching our fellow Blakely students being acknowledged for their hard work in reading, writing, math and physical fitness!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Monday Beach Day!!!

We started off the day a little was a bit gray and drizzley out there (and our bus was a half-hour late), but it turned out to be a beautiful day!  We got to Faye Bainbridge State Park, played on the Big Toy for a few minutes and then it was off to the beach...

We found treasures to use for our craft project and had fun playing on the driftwood.  We also visited with some naturalists from the Seattle Aquarium who shared various specimens for us to examine.  It was perfect!

Next we glued our beach finds and some purchased shells onto our painted frames...

 Next it was lunch time, then kite time and a little more playing on the Big Toy before the bus came.  A wonderful day!


Friday, June 10, 2011


It is crazy busy around here, combined with lots of fun - a winning combination!

Please go out and buy a white t-shirt!  We need them by Tuesday.  Our tie-dye shirts will be beautiful - you will want a shirt that is not too small so they can wear them for awhile!  We will preview them on the last day of school for our "Moving Up" assembly.  It's a beautiful site to see our whole class stand up wearing a rainbow!

I would like to join the regular field day with the whole school that takes place this Thursday but I need parents to help out.  Anyone out there who could volunteer Thursday afternoon?  You would take a small group around to different stations.  Should be lots of fun!

Speaking of was so cute to see the kindergartners at McDonald's!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011



We had specialist first thing this morning with our wonderful librarian, Kathleen Pool, who got us all excited about Summer Reading.  A yellow reading folder came home today! We then went outside for some good jumping-skipping-and-hopping around time with our fine-motor / gross-motor expert, Ms. Hanley...


We had an all-school photo on the hill.  Can't wait to see the finished product!  Don't forget....field trip forms, $3 and white t-shirts...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Busy, fun day!  Favorite books of the day "Dirty Joe the Pirate" and "I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean".  I have been assessing these very smart kindergartners and it is wonderful to see how much they have learned this year!  They are amazing!!!  I'm not kidding - even when they are crazy....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Another wonderful day in Room 2!!  What can I say...these kindergartners are an amazing lot!  After our morning warm-up job we read a book from the "favorites" pile.  We love "city dog, country frog".  I am re-reading all of our favorites.....gotta get them in one more time before the end of the year!

We also talked about, wrote about and viewed video about kites!  I brought in an Octopus kite and one I just purchased at Ocean Shores for our beach day...

I sent home a permission slip for our Faye Bainbridge field trip.  I will email an electronic copy of that also.  I will be collecting a $3 donation.  Students will bring a sack lunch that day.  I would love any extra treats or fruit to make our lunches special.  I also would love some volunteers to hang out with us.....we leave around 9 AM and will be back around noon.  Should be a fun day!

This Friday is special snack day.  Please send a snack in with your child - we will put them all in a basket and I will pass them out.  It's fun to eat a snack prepared by someone else.  We will eat them outside while reading some good stories.

I will be working at McDonald's tomorrow night to earn money for Special Education.  Come on down between 6 and 8, if you are a McDonald's eating kind of family!

Monday, June 6, 2011


The days are flying by....I don't want to do a countdown as I am already starting to miss these kindergartners.

We loved "Stanley's Party".  We also read "Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge" and drew pictures of our Kindergarten memories.

We surprised Mr. Adair with a birthday banner, cards, golf balls and cupcakes!

We worked hard (and loud) as usual.......