Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunny Thursday!

We had a wonderfully busy day!  We have been discussing reading; choosing books, rereading our favorites, and how important it is to read everyday.  We also are talking a lot about non-fiction reading and how reading can help us learn new things.  We started the beautifully illustrated book "What Do You Do With a Tail Like This?"  and we are reading another lovely non-fiction book "The Secret Life of Trees"  I want your children to be non-fiction readers!  

Through the various math tubs and games, and calendar activities we do each day we are learning about exploring the attributes of various shapes, naming shapes, sorting by different attributes, using positional language, using ordinal numbers, counting by 1's and 10's, comparing sizes, graphing and comparing quantities, learning to attend to print and pictures, rotating, creating and extending an ABAB pattern, matching shapes, making observations, counting and comparing quantities and exploring probability.  AND YOU THOUGHT WE WERE JUST PLAYING!!!!!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday!

We had a great day....and I do mean that!  These kindergartners still amaze me with their skills, and they have only been in school 19 days...count 'em, 19!!!!!

Mr. Adair, our head custodian, mathematician, scientist, behavior specialist and good friend to all, came to our classroom to share his love of golfing with us.  You would be amazed at how long he held these kindergartners' attention talking about loft, and height, and the degree of slant.....  He passed everything in his bag around, shared every club (we liked "White Hot Rosie" the best), balls, tees, place-holders score cards, gloves, hats and even photos of himself and his golf cart!

One of the kindergartners in this picture, while looking at this "wood" asked, "Does it have an on button?"

We have a new math tub - "Which Bug Will Win".  Ask your child about the two different spinners!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Terrific Tuesday!

We worked hard all day!  Still plugging away on our Nursery Rhymes,  and enjoying our study of Trees.  We added more information to our Science Journal.  Today we put together our paper Quilt for math.  Your children had very interesting comments about this Shoo Fly Quilt....which will be posted in the hallway for you to enjoy during a visit to Blakely....

We had a emergency bus evacuation drill today - of course your children performed brilliantly!  Oh, we are also learning to dance Bollywood style - really gets that brain awake!

Hopefully your children will let me continue to interrupt them to take their photos....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Wet Monday!

Another wonderful day with this very competent class!  I just can't tell you how much I BRAG to everyone how amazing my kindergartners are!  I love them!!!!

In math we worked on our Shoo Fly paper quilt blocks.  We discussed the shapes and noticed how the squares were made up of triangles.  The kindergartners placed purple and orange triangles on their blocks with great precision.  I shared a quilt I had made and one I was working on so they could see the process.  I also read "Eight Hands Round" and we learned more funny names for quilt blocks.  Our favorites were Honeycomb and Kite's Tail.  We will put our blocks together to make our quilt tomorrow.

We are learning new "popcorn words" each week.  Popcorn words are high-frequency words that pop up often in our reading and writing.  So far we have pointed out "I", "my", "a", "it", "and", "one" and "see".

Your children enjoyed a very wet recess - they didn't seem to mind coming back dripping into the classroom!  

I have added projects to our "Color" wall.....can't wait for you to see it during conference week.  Then it will all come home in a paper bag.

We played a memory game using the shapes or silhouettes of trees and we continued to work on Nursery Rhyme activities.  A good day was had by all!