Monday, September 27, 2010

Wet Monday!

Another wonderful day with this very competent class!  I just can't tell you how much I BRAG to everyone how amazing my kindergartners are!  I love them!!!!

In math we worked on our Shoo Fly paper quilt blocks.  We discussed the shapes and noticed how the squares were made up of triangles.  The kindergartners placed purple and orange triangles on their blocks with great precision.  I shared a quilt I had made and one I was working on so they could see the process.  I also read "Eight Hands Round" and we learned more funny names for quilt blocks.  Our favorites were Honeycomb and Kite's Tail.  We will put our blocks together to make our quilt tomorrow.

We are learning new "popcorn words" each week.  Popcorn words are high-frequency words that pop up often in our reading and writing.  So far we have pointed out "I", "my", "a", "it", "and", "one" and "see".

Your children enjoyed a very wet recess - they didn't seem to mind coming back dripping into the classroom!  

I have added projects to our "Color" wall.....can't wait for you to see it during conference week.  Then it will all come home in a paper bag.

We played a memory game using the shapes or silhouettes of trees and we continued to work on Nursery Rhyme activities.  A good day was had by all!


Anonymous said...

I love your posts and your pictures! When we were at school for the picnic, we snuck a peek at the wall of art. Very nice :)

Candace said...

What a great group of kids!

Joni said...

Thank You Karen for the pictures and the blogging. I love that we don't have to go through backpacks to find out what has been happening at school!