Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hello to all of you related to the most perfect kindergartners in the world!  We did some more "Brain Dancing" today.

We are continuing our study of trees and started our "Science Journal" today.  "Trees" is one of our district science units.  We will be observing the tree outside our window all year.

We read a pile of books today.  With "Night Creatures" we discussed how thinking about things we love to do or want to learn about can help us discover topics of books we will enjoy reading.  We talked about creatures that stay awake at night while we are sleeping and I mentioned that last night I was so excited to see a large owl in a tree!  I also shared the differences between fiction and non-fiction and we looked at a Table of Contents.

The students favorite book today was "Bark George" by Jules Feiffer.  A very funny book!

We are adding to our WALL OF COLOR!!!!!

Remember tomorrow is a half-day.  We will be putting them on the bus at 10:50!

1 comment:

meganeiden said...

Your broad address "all of you related" is, I would gamble, very accurate given the number of nannas, pops, grandmas, and grand-peres probably already lurking on our outskirts. I know that my mom, for one, probably reads your blog the way that she checks the Bainbridge weather...daily. Thank you for giving us all a window into the mugwumps' days.