Monday, June 6, 2011


The days are flying by....I don't want to do a countdown as I am already starting to miss these kindergartners.

We loved "Stanley's Party".  We also read "Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge" and drew pictures of our Kindergarten memories.

We surprised Mr. Adair with a birthday banner, cards, golf balls and cupcakes!

We worked hard (and loud) as usual.......



Candace said...

Patrick looks just like his self portrait - you have captured it perfectly! Wonderful pix Karen, of Mr C and everyone. I will miss the kids and seeing the kids once the year is over, but I look forward to having the pix to keep forever (and use in a senior-year annual!)

Candace said...

Can you keep the blog up for the summer? It will be great to puruse the list of books on here to check out and read over the summer.