Monday, April 18, 2011

Friday Finally!!!!

Yay, the blog is back up!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  Friday was a great day, all day, but the best part was our "pudding race"!  We used Rose's egg-beater for one batch and a whisk for another.  We wanted to see which kitchen tool was the most effective. was a tie!


Candace said...

AH, now I understand what was behind the passion for an eggbeater this weekend (I wondered how he even knew what one was)! He was disappointed that we didn't have one. I wish I had my mother's; it was a heavy thing, in painted hospital green metal, built like a tank. It would beat concrete if you asked it to :)

Ms. Keller said...

I want one of those! We read a Jack Prelutsky poem about egg beaters and just had to try one out!