Monday, May 2, 2011


A happy crowd entered Room 2 this morning!  They did their morning job, got lots of visiting in, and came down to the rug for some stories and some core-strengthening!!!  Stronger cores help them sit up on the rug for longer periods of for me not to have them lying all over the place when I am reading stories and we are actively participating in what I call "Kindergarten Learning Time"!!!  We loved the books this morning "Three Hens and a Peacock" and "Too Busy Marco".  It's very wonderful to be able to see the reactions on their faces when they get the humorous twists in the stories I read.  Very cute!  We are working on our own stories!

The kindergartners had a chance to play in the Secret Laboratory finally - it was on display in the foyer after we finished it on Friday!

Discussed and read a long list of high-frequency words.....a whole lot of reading is going on around here!

Birthday cupcakes, free-choice and all of our recesses outside today....couldn't ask for more (well, except for maybe a little more sunshine so clothing stays dry when your little darling is zipping down the slide)!


1 comment:

Candace said...

I know I sound like a broken record, but I so appreciate these wonderful pictures and videos - and you! :)