Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Yaaay......a beautiful, sunny day!!!  It was non-stop action in here - lots of reading and writing.  We liked "Funny Farm" and "Story County Here We Come!".  We had a Superflex lesson with Ms. Bautista, our occupational therapist.  We are learning to be better friends.  This time of the year is a little rough for our kindergartners - they act more like brothers and sisters than friends!  We are REALLY working on it - these earnest kindergartners get to put a bubble on the board for every good deed done.... 

We ended the day with our Reading Buddies, some extra recess in the sun, and PE!!!!

I sent home Scholastic Book Orders.  You can order online.  If you haven't done this before you will have type in an activation code which is H9MPX.

1 comment:

Candace said...

He said, "I think I am doing better Mama; she's forgetting my warp chart..." ;)