Friday, February 25, 2011


Our short, little week flew by!  We gained a new student after losing one a couple of weeks ago!  Sad and happy times!

We continue to work on learning high-frequency words - we call them "popcorn words" because they pop up in our reading and writing.  We are learning to use picture and text clues to determine the main character and the setting of the books we read.  Two of our favorites for today were "The Snowy Day" and one from a local author "A Lot of Otters".

We are writers in this room!  You will get a chance to see your child's journal during our March Parent-Teacher conferences, and they are a wonderful thing to behold!  We are working REALLY hard on getting some spaces between the words.  I will be emailing conference schedules home this weekend.  We start by using the same time you had at the last conference and then make changes as needed.

The kindergartners have been practicing for their Spring Concert.  You will be SO impressed!  Information came home in backpacks today about the format.  They will start off in our room, sing, and then come back to our room while you watch the rest of the concert.  Make sense?  Let me know if you have any questions.

Information also came home about Blakely's biggest fund-raiser the Read-a-thon.  

Mr. Keller brought flowers and cupcakes!


1 comment:

Candace said...

Mr Keller is a keeper :)