Thursday, February 10, 2011


A beautiful, sunny day and almost everyone made it to school today!  

After dancing to some reggae music, we used our best writing skills to make a page in a book for Johnathon who has moved.  We let him know we will miss him!

This week for our literacy jobs we have been working on finding a list of sight words on Valentine cards, making a mini-book, writing "I Like" sentences, listening to "How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You" in our listening center, and reading in our Guided Reading groups.

We "spit-spotted" our classroom to get it ready to welcome preschoolers for a visit.  Our kindergartner experts shared what they liked best about kindergarten, we did a read-aloud, "Move Over Rover", sang a song and them hung out in the designated area of our expertise and played with the preschoolers.  These kindergartners did a great job!  They were the perfect advertisement for kindergarten!

Our favorite book of the day was "Buster" by one our favorite authors- Denise Fleming.

R and R was very quiet and very cute.....


Unknown said...

What a great video clip. I can't believe how quiet they are. Love the idea of being under the tables!

Candace said...

Waah- the video won't show up for me over here. I will have to check it out when I get home.