Friday, November 5, 2010

Apple Friday!!!!!!

The kindergartners knew right from the start that this was going to be a great day!  I heard their comments as they looked at the schedule and noticed that we had computer lab AND reading buddies today!

We started off the day tasting three different kinds of apples and then graphing our favorites.

Our results....

Then we moved right to our apple stations which included  peeling and slicing our apples on an interesting contraption, and then cutting them up and tossing them in the pot...

Making apple prints, and apple trees using our thumbprints for apples....

Next was science where we discovered that sanding can change the shape of wood, and sawdust and wood shavings are tiny pieces of wood.  These kindergartners are good little sanders if you need some work done around the house!  We mixed sawdust and wood shavings to see what would happen...

 For snack we sorted and made many patterns with Patrick's Fruit Loops.....these kindergartners could of done this all day!

We ended our day with PE, after hanging out with our reading buddies!

1 comment:

Candace said...

How cute is this. Today I was greeting with, "Ms Keller is teaching us how to make plywood!"