Monday, January 10, 2011


It was wonderful to have a full class again.....for a little while anyway until one kindergartner went home with a stomach ache! They came in extra happy and chatty - it was cute!

We always start our Mondays with the "talking stick" which gives everyone a chance to share what they did over the weekend or talk about any old thing.  These kindergartners had lots to say!  It was nice to hear from our two friends who were on vacation - we missed them!

For Language Arts we discussed the importance of details in a story and how we need to add details to stories to make them more interesting.  We closed our eyes and thought of a special place and then thought of two words to describe the area.  We also talked about the idea that printed words can represent spoken language. 

We had a really wonderful discussion about Martin Luther King Jr.  This can be a challenging topic for kindergartners who haven't been exposed to racism.  I used a great book for a springboard - "Martin's Big Words".  It was amazing to see how interested your children were in the topic of civil rights, of fairness.  We exchanged ideas for forty minutes - and it was deep!

Busy workers in the morning....

We really wanted it to snow so we threw open the windows and made a wish...

And it did!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Fabulous wish! Now, if it will only stick :) Had a great time today in class with all the kids, as usual. They are all so wonderful to be with and listen to.