Monday, January 3, 2011

They're Back!!!!!!

Wait a minute!  Who traded my rambunctious kindergartners for a group of quiet students?  They are so perfectly behaved today that it is kinda scary!  It's so nice to have a room full of lovely children....I missed them, really, over the break.  And they came back ready to learn.  

We talked today about how authors write about what they know - they write about their lives.  Everyone shared what they did over the winter break (lots of skiing!) and we used those themes for our journal entries.

We are working on the letter "I" for our literacy jobs (remember we really work on all of the letters but it is fun to have a weekly focus for our centers).  

We will be discussing insects for the next couple of weeks............your children know lots about them already - we made a long list.
Some insects sting.
Some insects have spots.
Some insects fly.
Caterpillars eat leaves.
Some insects have stripes.
Some insects stink.
Some insects are fuzzy.
Some insects are slimy.
When bees sting their stingers fall off.
Some insects crawl.
Some insects bite.
Some insects hide.
Some insects are scary.
Some insects roll up into balls.
Most insects have six legs.
Some insects are pretty.
Some insects are tiny.
Some insects suck blood.
Some insects have long noses.

We will add to the list as we read more books about bugs.  We like the book "I Love Bugs!".

We worked on identifying those tricky teen numbers.  This YouTube video helped!

We had a lunch visitor....

Can everyone send in a box or two of snack's a new month.....thanks!


Candace said...

Thanks for the banner day! We are celebrating our 10 smiley faces with burgers, fries, and an ice cream treat tonight :)

Beth said...

What fun it is to see my grown up boy enjoying a kindergarten visit with his son. Thank you so much for you daily photos and information.