Tuesday, January 18, 2011


A fun day with these fabulous kindergartners!  We are working on our "social skills" (ahhhh, a never-ending and often amusing task to teach), and are reading and doing activities from the book "My Mouth is a Volcano!"  It has some great ideas to help us to wait for our turn to talk.....almost impossible, sometimes, but we are getting there!

We continue to discuss main characters, and settings of the books we read.  Today we talked about how in most stories, the main character has a problem and has to figure out what to do to solve it.  I shared that in order to understand what happens in the story, readers need to learn what the problem is and how the main character will solve it.  We read "Bear Wants More".  Ask your child  what the problem was in that book!

We love to read.  Read and Relax time is our 20 minute break to read books to ourselves.  Everyone grabs a pile and settles into a good spot and reads!  I am encouraging all to pick a couple of "little reader" books along with the picture books.  I have also started guided reading groups.  Everyone is a reader in this room!

Our favorite afternoon activities....building with boxes, working at the writing center, computers and playing with Polydrons!


1 comment:

Candace said...

Clarkie loves his cardboard contraptions that he makes in class. Looks like a fun day!