Thursday, January 6, 2011


A quick task at our desk for a little warm-up - we are working on a rhyming insect book this week so we color and cut a page each morning.  Then it was on to sit-ups and planks with our teacher from the occupational therapy room who also teaches us handwriting - Ms. Hanley.  We are improving our CORE STRENGTH so we can have strong bodies!

Next was a Social Skills lesson about "Space Invaders".  Ask your child what that means!

We learned a different way to arrange our paper.  Instead of using the old "hot dog" or "hamburger" orientation we are saying "portrait" or "landscape".  Test them to see if they still remember it!

During our literacy time we talked about the main character, and settings.  It is so fun to teach this group - they just soak it up and are so very, very smart!  Loved "In the Tall, Tall Grass", another Denise Fleming book.  We read some more of our Insect book and learned some amazing new facts!

Part of our math time was spent on TEEN NUMBERS and addition - using kindergartners which was very fun!  Math tub time was loud and happy!

We had a good little talk about favorite things like colors and Batman and how both boys and girls can like ALL colors and girls can like Batman too!  I had a couple of boys volunteer that they like pink and purple - oh, how I love those boys for saying that...

1 comment:

Candace said...

I love talks about Batman. Robin is quoted often at our house: "Gosh yes, Batman!" [Yep, the OLD Batman]